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89 Movie Reviews

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Very odd and strange

This seems more like a brainwashing video from no language that exists on this planet than anything else. I agree that the whole Hitler Cola thing is a bit extreme, and the sound just seems out of place. It's hard to see what the message or that actual point is.

lol the merchant haunts me

This was just amazing! And Ashley has a very cute voice (I felt sorrt for her having a dagger in her head and just getting a slap =P ). It's strange how you can't just take the merchant's stuff after killing him, too! I'm sure many RE4 gamers have thought "If I hear him say Not Enough Cash one more time..."

Parody at its finest!

I'm not gonna spoil anything by typing up a quote from any of the scenes, or tips on where to find an easter egg (mainly because I haven't a snowball's chance in Hell of finding any by myself) - but seriously, if you're not a fan of true epic win, then this collab's not for you.

Very cool!

I couldn't imagine the horrors if a raisin muffin actually managed to get released to the public! Well, they might already have been, but I've never seen one. Let's keep it that way!

Not too bad

Bout time someone made a Pokemon flash that didn't rant on about "how gay the author thinks it is". You've got potential here, and the cameos from Goku and Mario were cool too :p Still, I think Darth Vader killed Brendan a little too suddenly.


Not only does this kick unlimited ass, like the whole series, but this featured DBZ-Budokai's greatest track ever! Could you let me know where I could get ahold of it, please?

So cute!!!

I'd get my ass kicked if I were to teach my niece to say dammit :p But then, my sister already has her saying titties, so maybe I'd be safe! This is so cute and cool, and I loved the remix of Resurrection at the end. Gitaroo Man rocks!

The only bad thing I can see is that this scoring system only goes up to 10!

Wonchop responds:

It does indeed rock

A hateful suckfest from beginning to end

Illwillpress will be missed. This flash movie, however, will not!


Thisd is awesome! Even my older brother, who seems to hate Anime, got a few laughs from it! I'm definitely looking forward to more flash like this!

Sonic just rules!

This is one of the best nutshells out there! :D The only trouble is I went to OCRemix to find the Green Hill Zone song, but I couldn't find it anywhere :( Could you reply with a direct link to the song, or what the actual mix was called please?

Once again, great flash! :D

Vaztor responds:

uh..I do not have a direct link, but if you could contact me over AIM i'd give it to you :D

Whaddayamean "it's not food"!? Just gimme some ketchup!

Age 39, Male


Not no more! :D

Sheffield, England

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